Department of Psychological Sciences


About the Department Faculty members Research Activities Department Council Study Schedules Progress of the Educational Process Research Plan of the Department

About the Department

Department of Psychological Sciences

The Department Overview:

The Department of Psychological Sciences was established at the beginning of the establishment of the college according to Republican Decree No. (324) of 2007 as one of its scientific departments.

The department seeks to prepare a kindergarten teacher who is psychologically balanced and at an acceptable level of emotional security and good mental health, as well as being characterized by warmth and affection, in line with that Elements of continuous development of an effective teacher. In addition, it aims at preparing an academically and professionally distinguished teacher who is able to carry out more effective educational activities.


Department vision:

The Department of Psychological Sciences seeks distinction and uniqueness among the scientific departments.


Department message:

Contributing to the preparation of kindergarten teachers and researchers to pioneer the horizons of psychological and educational knowledge and its applications in community service and development.


How to contact the department:

Mr. Hani A1-Shahat

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع كليةا لآداب القديمة - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2208036 050

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