About Environmental Affairs


The Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector at the Faculty of Kindergarten is concerned with many activities and works within the framework of the competencies included in Article (32) bis of the Universities Regulation Act issued by Presidential Decree (49) of 1995, where the sector for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs supervises and implements a number of tasks, namely:

  • Preparing plans and programs that ensure the achievement of the college's role in community service and environmental development.
  • Establishing and managing units of a special nature that provide services to non- students.
  • Preparing and implementing programs to train community members on the use of technical and scientific methods and raise their productive competencies in various fields.
  • Organizing conferences, scientific seminars and lectures aimed at community service and environmental development.

Community Affairs and Environmental Development Sector Plan

Community Service and Environmental Development Committee for the academic year 2021/2022

  • Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development
  • 2- Prof. Fatima Shehta Ayed
  • Prof. Fayza Ahmed Abdel Razek
  • Prof. Khaled Hosni Akl
  • Prof. Walid Sami Jibril
  • Prof. Wafaa Abu Al-Maati Youssef
  • Prof. Shaimaa Fathi Ahmed Abdel Halim

1)  Administrative tasks of the Committee:

  1. Preparatory tasks
    • Prepare the topics proposed to be discussed within the committee.
    • Preparing attachments (documents) related to the topics of discussion.
    • Preparing the invitation to attend the committee
    • Sending the invitation and proof of receiving the invitation to attend the committee.
    • Preparing the agenda of the Committee and distributing it to the members.

b)  Executive functions

  • Record the minutes of the meeting.
  • Submit the minutes of the meeting to the Dean of the College.
  • Preparing notes of topics and submitting them to the Dean of the College in preparation for submitting them to the Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development.

2)  Technical tasks of the Committee

  • Disseminating environmental pamphlets issued by the Ministry of Environmental Affairs and the Community Service Affairs Sector
  • Developing the environment at the university and the relevant external parties.
  • Spreading environmental awareness among college students by participating in health awareness campaigns and first aid seminars held at the college.
  • Preparing the annual plan for community service and environmental development activities within the college, university and the external community with the participation of the relevant authorities.
  • Following up on community conferences and seminars, attending them and writing a report on them.
  • Coordinating and interacting with other committees in the college.
  • Following-up insurance of the safety of the college against dangers; fire, damage, and the necessary equipment and training.
  • Preparing a manual for occupational safety and health.
  • Preparing a plan for the college for facing disasters and crises.
  • Preparing educational pamphlets and leaflets.
  • Establishing records for all the work of the Committee and the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector.
  • Improving the form of the website of Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs on the college's website.
  • Calculating the material and human resources in the college.
  • Making a plan to rationalize the use of the capabilities and resources of the college, and innovate and search for new resources.

Important phone numbers:

Civil Defense      2245208

Police 122

Ambulance service 123

Sanitation 125

Malfunctions 2216561

Natural Gas Emergency 129

Electricity and water 125

Electricity Malfunctions Emergency 121

Roads Emergency. 2316146

Traffic Emergency 2243514

مواقع ذات صلة

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

شارع كليةا لآداب القديمة - المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية

 2208036 050


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