Study System - General Program


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Study System - General Program

Kindergarten Teachers Preparation Program (General Program) 

Early childhood teacher preparation program study system:

  • The system of study followed in the college is the system of credit hours within the framework of one semester.


Study period:

  • The period of study for obtaining a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education is four academic years, and this period achieves four academic levels. One level includes two semesters separated by a mid-year vacation. The student is not allowed to graduate unless he fulfills the graduation requirements.



  • The College of Education for Early Childhood accepts students who have obtained a high school certificate in the scientific section (science and mathematics,) the literary section, or its equivalent, according to the admission requirements set by the Supreme Council of Universities.
  • It is permissible to accept international students who obtained a high school certificate or its equivalent in each academic year according to the nominations received by the College from the General Administration for international students..

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Old College of Arts Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 050 2208036

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