Vision & Mission of the Unit

Vision of the Unit (international students)

Working on graduating international students who are aware of college ability to solve problems that face them in order to contribute to reflect a   good image of the college in their home countries

The unit’s mission

 Marketing the college's study programs to representatives of different countries, by communicating with the University's international students Management Office in addition to improve their affairs , communicate with them and work to overcome their difficulties.

Aims of The unit:

  1. Taking care of international students by providing academic, psychological and social support
  2. Marketing and providing the necessary information about the study programs offered by the college and its enrollment
  3. Supporting the image of Mansoura University as a global Egyptian
  4. Providing information on all study programs in the college and the conditions for joining them.
  5. Facilitating enrollment, registration and graduation procedures for students within the college.
  6. Working to provide full care for international students inside the
  7. Helping to solve the study problems of international

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Contact details

Old College of Arts Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 050 2208036

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