About Education and Students' Affairs

College Education and Student Affairs Committee for the University Year 2022/2021:

Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs

Prof. Dr. Sahar Tawfiq Naseem

Prof. Dr. Samia Abdul Hamid Ahmed

Prof. Dr. Jamal Attiya Fayed

Prof. Dr. Amal Mohammed Al-Qaddah

Prof. Dr. Fatima Shahta Ayid

Prof. Dr. Faiza Ahmed Abdel Razek

Prof. Dr. Radwan Radwan Zeham

Prof. Dr. Diaa Al-Din Abd Al-Karim

Prof. Dr. Hanaa Abdel-Moneim Attiya Kamel


College Educational Services Fund Committee for the academic year 2021/2022:

Prof. Dr. Dean of the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Education and Students' Affairs

Mr. Secretary of the College


Faculty's Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Committee for the Year 2021/2022:

Prof. Dr. Dean of the College

Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs

Prof. Dr. Amal Mohammed Al-Qaddah

Dr. Faiza Ahmed Abdel Razek

Dr. Lamia Sa 'ad Al-Gharbawy

 Dr. Al-Shaima Fathi Ahmed abd


College Educational Services Fund Committee for the University Year 2022/2021:

Prof. Dr. Dean of the College

Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs

Mr. Secretary of the College

Social Solidarity Fund Committee for the Year 2022/2021

 Prof. Dr. Dean of the College

Prof. Dr. Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs

Dr. Faiza Ahmed Abd al-Razek

Dr. Samah Ramadan Khamis Ms. Dr. Hanaa Abdel-Monim Attia

Mr. Sharif Ashraf Abdel Fattah

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Contact details

Old College of Arts Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 050 2208036


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