Student services

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-Student Services Portal - Ibn Al Haytham System at Mansoura University

-Educational Platform

First: the controls of enrollment suspension

1: politically detained students

The period of suspension of enrollment may be opened for students who  are politically detained until they are released.

  • Students with chronic mental and neurological diseases:

The period of suspension of enrollment may be opened for students with chronic psychiatric and neurological diseases until they are cured, provided that they submit a request for suspension of enrollment on the specified  date or a long illness that requires treatment for one academic year or more .

  • Military duty (conscription):

The enrollment of conscripts may be suspended until the end of the conscription period, provided that the application for suspension of enrollment is submitted no later than December 31 of each year accompanied by documents (summons to service and reserve armed forces)

  • Other cases not specified in the first and second clauses :
  • Child care: three times.
  • Parental care: three times.
  • Accompanying a husband who works abroad.
  • suspension of enrollment to travel abroad for work
  • The application for suspension of enrollment must be submitted at the beginning of the academic year and no later than 31/12 of each year, otherwise the application will be rejected after the deadline set by the Council of education and student affairs at the University.

Third: Excuses for not entering the exam:

  1. stipulated attendance rate:

- The internal regulation of the college stipulate that the exams for The Bachelor's degree are held for the courses studied by the student in his class, and the student is required to enter the exam for any course that meets an attendance rate of at least 75 % of the number of lecture hours and applied lessons. The College Council, based on the request of the boards of scientific departments, has the authority to deny the student from taking the exam in courses where he did not meet the attendance percentage, or if his follow-up to the year's work was unsatisfactory. In this case the student is considered a failure in the courses in which he was denied to take the exam, unless his absence was due to a compulsive excuse accepted by the college council, he retakes the exam in the courses from which he was denied and retains his grade in it.

  • If the student fails in the field training in any of the third or fourth grades, he remains to redo and take the exam in the field training only and other courses he failed in.
  • An absent student in the Written Exam of one of the courses is considered a failure in this course, and the student retains his grade in


this course if he submits an excuse accepted by the college council.

1-   Opportunities to take the exam:

- The executive regulation for University Regulation Act (Article 80 ) stipulate that a student may not stay in the same grade for more than two years. The college council may license students who have spent two years in their grade to apply for the exam as external students the following year in the courses in which they failed, except for students of the preparatory year  and the first grade in colleges that do not have a preparatory grade .

  • The college council may also - in addition to the above-license

students of the pre-final grade and the final grade with two additional opportunities to apply to the exam as external students.

In colleges where the study lasts for at least 5 years,  second year students in colleges with preparatory year and third year students in the colleges without preparatory year are both dealt with the same way as the pre- final grade students. If a student fails the final grade in no more than half of the number of courses of this stage or in one course in the colleges where he studies one course in the final year, regardless of the different courses from previous teams, he is licensed in the exam until he is successful


Chance No.

Chance No. External













Less than half of the subjects are licensed for the student to take the exam

As external student until he succeeds .

2-  Excuse for not entering the exam :

  1. Illness leave:
  • The committee may consult specialists at the University Hospital or the student hospital in cases that need consultation.
  • In the case of psychiatric diseases, the knowledge of the medical department is presented to a tripartite committee formed by the faculty members of the Faculty of Medicine, selected by Dean of the faculty.
  • Certificates issued by public or central government hospitals or public health institutions are presented to the medical committee , and the certificate must bear the name of the hospital and be signed by the attending physician with an indication of his name and specialty.
  • The medical committee is also presented with medical certificates received from abroad, provided that they are certified by the Egyptian consulate and its doctor if there is.
  • Medical certificates coming from abroad are also presented to the medical committee as long as they are accredited by the Egyptian embassy and its doctor if available.
  • Medical certificates issued by doctors or private hospitals are not accepted.
  • The application is submitted in the name of the dean of the college and is deposited either by hand in the college archive or sent to the college by registered mail accompanied by the arrival flag before the exam begins, during the exam or within two days after its end. Any applications submitted other than these two ways will not be accepted.
  • The student affairs department at the College , upon the arrival of the application, notifies the student to apply to the medical department, and also notifies the medical department on the same day. 4. The illness  excuses should be decided upon and the medical report should be prepared and the student affairs , the system committees , the monitoring , and the examination should be notified to the colleges as soon as possible and well before the announcement of the exam results.
  1. If the illness is during the exam , the medical examination is signed on the student and the medical report is written immediately by the doctor appointed by the examination committee to be approved later by the chairman of the medical committee .
  2. If the student's illness does not enable him to come to the medical department, he must resort to the nearest public or central government hospital or a public health institution in his place of residence and he must stay in the hospital and immediately notify the College of this with a certificate in the name of the hospital signed by the attending physician with his name , specialty , and the faculty transfers the papers to the commission for consideration of the pathological
  3. It is not allowed to repeat the apology for not entering the exam in one round .
  4. Special examination committees for patients may not be formed except at the faculty headquarters .
  5. The dean of the faculty is competent to consider the grievances submitted by the decisions of the Medical Commission .
  6. The number of satisfactory excuses for not taking the exam may not exceed two times during the years of study, to which a third time is added by a decision of the Council of education and Student Affairs authorized by the University Council in accordance with Article 80 of the executive bylaws of the universities organization law .

B.   Social excuses :

  • The student must attach to the request not to enter the exam for a social excuse an explanation of this excuse accompanied by all the official papers indicating the fact of the excuse provided by him , and no papers or documents issued by non-official bodies are considered in this.


General provisions:

The assessment of the reasons for the suspension of enrollment or the apology for not entering the exam for a social excuse shall be the competence of the college council or the Council of education and

student affairs at the University, each within its competence, after studying the circumstances and circumstances surrounding each case separately.

Third: health insurance card

Every student has the right to obtain a health insurance card from the student affairs department at the college, and based on this card, the student can be treated free of charge at the student hospital at the university, located at the student services complex in front of the Faculty of Education.

How to get a health insurance card:

  • Apply to the student affairs department at the college and submit a personal photo of the student.
  • payment of the Treasury Receipt in the amount of one pound and forty piastres to be paid once.
  • The student receives the health card from the band employee specialized in Student Affairs Department.

Fourth: rewards for excellence :

The bonus is renewed whenever its condition is available as described above and the bonus is paid in monthly installments during the academic year (from October to May).

Fifth: procedures for re-scoring students ' grades after the results are announced:

The procedures followed to review the scoring of students ' grades after the announcement of the results:

*The student submits to the student affairs department by filling out the grade scoring review application form prepared by the college administration for this purpose in the name of Prof. Dr. / Dean of the college.

  • These requests are submitted to Prof. Dr. / Dean of the college to take the necessary procedures.
  • The dean of the college (head of the general examinations) or his representative (Prof .Dr. / vice dean for education and student affairs) by referring these requests to the heads of the relevant concerned controls.
  • The heads and members of the concerned controls shall consider the submitted applications, examine the answer handbooks and ensure the correctness of correcting all the parts contained therein and the correctness of compiling these sub-parts to answer the question and the total sum to answer the questions in parts and score them in the specified place of the paper (cover) and ensure the correctness of the signature.
  • Performed by Prof. Dr./ The head of the control to fill out the applications for reviewing the scoring of grades submitted to him (in the part dedicated to the result of the review) to indicate whether the result matches or not, and then the head of the control signs this request.
  • The student is informed of the result of the petition within two weeks of submitting the petition application.

In case that there are cases of:

  • conformity: signed by Prof. Dr. / head of the control concerned with the validity of the announced result as it is written in the relevant statements with the announced statements of students in the Student Affairs Department.
  • B) Non-Conforming: the offer is made to Prof.Dr. / vice dean for education and student affairs, then to Prof . Dr. Dean of college for approval , the result then the will be corrected in the announced statements and the student will be notified of the result of the petition.

Sixth : student questioning system

Students enrolled, affiliated and licensed to take the exam as external  and listeners are subject to the disciplinary system described below Violation of his performance is considered any violation of laws, regulations and university traditions, in particular :

  1. Acts violating the system of the college or university
  2. Disrupting the study, inciting it, or deliberately refraining from attending classes, lectures, and other university works required by the regulations to attend them.
  3. Every act is contrary to honor and dignity or violates good conduct and behavior inside or outside the University.
  4. Every violation of the exam system or the necessary calm for it and every cheating in an exam or the initiation of
  5. any damage to facilities, devices, materials or university books or their waste.
  6. Any organization of universities within the university or participation in them without a fixed license from the competent university
  7. Distributing flyers or issuing wall newspapers in any form in colleges or collecting signatures without a previous license from the competent university
  8. Sit-ins inside university buildings or participate in demonstrations contrary to public order or
  • Also, every student who commits cheating in an exam or attempts to cheat in it and is being seized, is removed by the dean or his representative from the examination venue and is deprived of entering the exam in the rest of the subjects and the student is considered a failure in all the subjects of this exam and referred to the disciplinary council.

In other cases, the exam is invalidated by a decision of the disciplinary council or the College Council and it results in the invalidation of the academic degree if it was awarded to the student before the detection of cheating and the disciplinary penalties are:

  1. Warning .
  2. The verbal or written notification .
  3. Deprivation of some student services.
  4. Deprivation of attending the lessons of one of the courses for a period not exceeding a month.
  • Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding one month
  1. Deprivation of the exam in one or more
  2. Stop enrolling the student for a master's or doctoral degree for a period not exceeding two months for a
  3. Cancellation of the student's exam in one or more courses.
  4. Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding a
  5. Deprivation of the exam in one or more semesters.
  6. Depriving the student of enrollment for a master's or doctorate for a semester or
  7. Dismissal from the college for a period not exceeding a semester . The final dismissal from the University and the decision of dismissal is communicated to other universities.
  • It results in the student's inability to enroll or apply for the exam in the Universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

*The decision to issue the disciplinary penalty may be announced within the college and the decision must be communicated to the student's Guardian and the decisions issued with disciplinary penalties, except for the oral warning, are kept in the student's file.

  • The University Council may reconsider the decision issued on the final dismissal after at least three years have elapsed from the date of the decision.

The competent authority to impose sanctions are :

  • Professors and assistant professors have the prescription of the first four penalties set out in the previous article for what happens to students during lessons, lectures and various university activities.
  • The dean of the college has the right to prescribe the initial eight penalties set out in the previous article. In the case of disturbance or breach of order that causes the irregularity of study or examination, the dean of the college shall prescribe all the penalties set out in the previous article, provided that the matter is submitted within two weeks from the date of prescribing the penalty to the disciplinary council if the penalty is the final dismissal from the University, and to the president of the University for other penalties, in order to consider supporting, canceling or amending the penalty.
  • The university president may prescribe all the penalties set out in the previous article except the last penalty, after taking the opinion of the dean of the faculty, and he may prevent the student referred to the disciplinary council from entering the university premises until the day specified for his trial.

Seventh: Social Solidarity Fund

1- The student welfare department at the college provides subsidies to low-income students and provides subsidies in various forms.

  1. Financial subsidies to reduce tuition
  2. purchase of textbooks .
  3. Treatment or compensatory
  4. Buy medical glasses or clothes.
  5. Contributing to the University Dorms Day .

* How to make a social research *

  1. The student takes Social Research form from the student welfare department at the college .
  2. The form data is filled in by the student and then approved by the -2 student's Department of Student Affairs and then the student's Social Affairs Unit .
  3. a copy of the Guardian's ID is attached with the search ( the parent's salary details "if the parent is an employee" - a statement of agricultural tenure "if the parent is a rural citizen" - a statement of the parent's " pension " if the parent is a pensioner or deceased.
  1. Attach the relevant documents for which the research work is being done ( treatment – textbooks – surgeries – prosthetic devices – payment of university city fees-making medical glasses..................................................... )
  2. The research is handed over to the head of the student welfare
  3. The collected researches are presented to the committees formed for each study group separately .
  4. The announcement of the name list of the beneficiary students to follow up their situation.


Eighth-the hot meal

  • Provide international students with a nominal fee of "3LE per meal" provided :
  1. the student must be an international and a non-resident of Mansoura
  2. He should not be a resident of the University City .
  3. If the previous conditions apply, the student can apply to the student welfare department at the college with his ID card or college card to get the nutrition bonus .

Ninth: student complaints

Complaints and suggestions box

Places of the box

  • A box at the residence of the kindergarten college in the main building of the college.

A box at the Faculty of Education – Mansoura university inside lecture room no. 10.

The mechanism to follow-up suggestions and complaints of : students

  • The competent committee approved by the board of Directors of the -

college's quality assurance unit examines and follows up proposals and complaints .. Headed by Prof. Dr. / vice dean for education and student affairs.

  • Opening dates of the box (on Saturday of each week ) .
  • The need to write down the data of the complainants or the proposed comprehensive (name, grade) while giving adequate protection to the student .
  • - This mechanism is approved and announced through the college's website on the Mansoura University Information Network , as well as the college's forum .

Registered scientific dissertations

Study courses - Student results - results of graduates– Registration  papers – Durable scientific committees .

Related links


Contact details

Old College of Arts Street - Mansoura - Dakahlia Governorate

 050 2208036

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