Academic Standards - English Program
Academic Standards - English Program
Program of Preparing Kindergarten Teachers in English
Knowledge and understanding:
- The graduate of the kindergarten teacher preparation program in English must have acquired the following knowledge and concepts:
- Principles of native and foreign languages and its literature.
- Theories of psychology and education.
- Curricula, programs and methods of child education.
- Management of Kindergarten and educational environment.
- The history of education and the philosophical and social foundations of education.
- Knowledge of childhood problems and methods of dealing with normal children and those with special needs.
- Characteristics and features of child development.
- Fundamentals of scientific research and psychological and educational measurement.
- Basics of orienting the child to learn different concepts.
- Child culture media.
- Performing arts related to child education.
- Citizenship rights and childhood legislation.
- Computer programs and information technology.
- Maternal and child health and nutrition and first aid principles.
- The characteristics of the vocal apparatus, its components, and its function.
- The process of oral communication: its foundations and skills.
- The social function of language.
- Text properties and elements.
- The nature of language and its origins.
- Requirements of the correct translation of the language.
Graduate Specifications
Professional skills:
- After successfully completing the kindergarten teacher preparation program in English, the graduate will be able to:
- Practicing various educational strategies inside and outside the kindergarten.
- Develop an implementation plan for safe and innovative teaching and learning activities.
- Practicing the ethics of the profession, and participating positively with the various institutions and agencies of society concerned with childhood.
- The use of scientific research skills and advanced research to solve childhood problems.
- Equipping the educational environment and learning centers with materials and devices, taking into account the needs of children and the individual differences between them, and
- discovering talents inside and outside the kindergarten.
- Producing educational tools and aids suitable for teaching and learning activities.
Using methods of reinforcement and encouragement and stimulating the child's motivation to learn, and using appropriate evaluation methods. - The use of concepts, theoretical knowledge and information technology in the development and learning of children's skills
- Determine the main idea and detailed ideas.
- Employing grammar in understanding and writing texts.
- Express the contents of different texts and their meanings with her voice.
- Writing in proper language in different situations and purposes.
- Renew and update their linguistic knowledge on an continuous basis.
Mental skills:
- After successfully completing the kindergarten teacher preparation program in English, the graduate will be able to:
- Observe, analyze, interpret and follow-up data and information related to the child accurately and objectively.
- Suggest creative solutions to face educational, life and professional situations.
- Practice leadership skills and make appropriate decisions.
- Extract knowledge in child-rearing curricula and programs, and integrate them with previous experience.
- Analyze and evaluate information in the field of specialization, and practice deduction skills.
- Text analysis.
- Understand the author's purpose.
- Elicit the meanings of vocabulary in context.
- Improvise language in different communication situations.
Generic and transferable skills:
- After successfully completing the kindergarten teacher preparation program in English, the graduate will be able to:
- The use and mastery of the native language and one of the foreign languages.
- Effective communication of various types with institutions concerned with the field of childhood.
- Manage time and resources in various activities.
- work within a team effectively.
- Seek continuous professional development opportunities based on self- and continuous learning.
- Use modern technology to obtain information and knowledge