Study System - Montessori Program


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Study System

Program of preparing teachers of integrated activities of Montessori


Study System:

  • The system of study followed in the Montessori adopts the system of credit hours per term.  this system that proposed in this regulation is based on the following principles:
  1. Semester: The study per term lasts for 14 weeks, and the semester is the period of time between the beginning and end of the study in the semester by beginning the of sitting the Written
  2. Academic year: consists of two main semesters in which the study lasts twenty-eight weeks, and the duration of each of them is 14 weeks.
  1. Grade Point Average (GPA): is the average grade of all courses studied by Student whether she succeeded or failed in the Semester.
  2. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): is the grade point average of all courses studied by Student (with success or failure), up to the date of calculation of the grade point
  3. Module: is a curriculum with specific objectives, contents, and theoretical and practical activities as it is a series of standardized units of instruction associated with other courses/
  4. Curricula: a set of courses and study activities, theoretical and practical, (compulsory and optional). Following the success in this Curricula, Student will be awarded the bachelor's degrees in early childhood education in the Montessori Teacher Education Program pursuant to the student's fulfillment/ meets the requested credit hours for graduation as stated in Article (8) hereof (of these regulations).
  5. Prerequisite: a course that should be studied and succeeded in prior to registering for another course on which it depends, and the student is allowed to study a course that has a prerequisite only following passing the prerequisite successfully.
  6. Academic advisor: a faculty member chosen by the scientific department to help the student in setting courses, according to the study plans in these regulations, helping the students to solve the problems that he may encounter during the study, as well as guiding the student academically and socially throughout the period of his study till the graduation. The academic advisor allocates a card to each student, to make the student records all its necessary details, the results he obtained. as well as reviews the courses / Module in which the student registers in each semester and its opinion shall be advisory. The student is fully responsible for Module/courses in which he registers at his
  7. The number of points for any course/Module is a unit used to measure the student's performance in the course, which for any course is the number of credit hours for the course, multiplied by the degree of the Module/courses awarded to a


The duration of the study to obtain a bachelor's degree in early childhood education is four university levels, Preparation Program of Teachers of integrated activities (with Montessori system). This period achieves four levels of study, where one level includes two semesters separated by a semester vacation and the student unable to Graduate unless she meets the graduation requirements.

Semester duration:

semester system generally consists of fourteen weeks (14 weeks) in addition to:

  • period of registration for one week.
  • The exam period at the end of the semester is (203) weeks, in a manner that does not contradict the time schedule/map approved by the Supreme Council of Universities and within the framework of what the College Council decides.

Summer Semester:

College Council have the right to approve teaching of some courses in a summer semester in case of need, during the months of July and August (8 weeks with doubling the hours) for the student who lacks ten (10) units at most to meet the credit hours necessary for graduation and the student performs the exam in the September session of the same year.

Students Failing a course or subject with a maximum of (6) credit hours have the right to register in the summer semester in accordance with the rules determined by the College Council and approved by the University Council.

Credit Hour Standard:

  • Regarding the theoretical Lectures.


One credit hour is calculated for each lecture period of one hours per week during one semester.

  • For practical lessons and applied training

One credit hour is calculated for each practical or training period of two hours per week during one semester.

Study burden:

Each student is allowed to register for a minimum of 13 credit hours and a maximum of not more than the maximum number of credit hours per semester, except in the following cases:

  • The College Council may increase the maximum academic burden in the last semester of the student to a maximum of 5 credit hours for the purpose of completing the necessary graduation requirements for him.
    • A student with a lower cumulative grade of 100 is not allowed to enroll and register in more than 13 credits hours per semester.
    • The College Council may exempt a student transferred from a corresponding college from certain courses of levels I, II and III if it is established that he has studied and succeeded in equivalent courses in the college he transferred from. The student may not be exempted from any of the courses of level IV.


  1. The time of the final written examination of any course is two hours.
  2. The examination of each course is evaluated with a score of 100 marks.
  3. The student is evaluated in theoretical and practical courses based on the following elements:
  • In the case of courses that involve a theoretical study only, 10% is devoted to quarterly work, 10% to mid-term examinations, and 80% to the written examination of the overall degree of the rapporteur.
  • In the case of decisions containing a practical study only (Field Training) 40% of the course degree is allocated to the internal technical supervisor, 30% to the external technical supervisor, 10% to the director of the nursery, 10% to reports and 10 oral tests. Whoever fails this course remains for reinstatement at the level in which it has failed, in accordance with the field training regulation.
  • In case of courses involving theoretical study and applied study, 10% is devoted to quarterly work, 10% to mid-term examination, 20% to applied or oral examination, and 60% for the written examination, from the overall degree of the Module/ Course.
  1. In any case, the student's success in any course is required to obtain 30% of the grade allocated for the final written
  2. The applied or oral tests, and the final written examinations of the course shall be from a committee formed with a minimum of (2), and a maximum of (4) faculty members, including at least one of the course's teaching staff. The course coordinator shall organize the quarterly examinations and prepare the papers of the final exam questions. The absent student shall be considered in the final practical exam, or the final written exam is absent in the whole Module/
  3. The honors degree is awarded to a student who obtains a GPA of 2.5 or more upon graduation, provided that his average at any level is not less than 2.5 and that he has not failed in any course during regestration in the college (or in the Transferring College).
  4. The grade of any Course/ Module may be deferred as its requirements are not completed for compelling reasons (The student doesn't participate in the final exam for Module (Acceptable excuse) for a period doesn't not exceed one semester. In addition to the student is given an incomplete grade (Pass) even if the student has not completed the requirements of Module scheduled in the period during which the final examination for incomplete courses is held, which is the first week in the next semester immediately, whereas the student is considered a failure and is assigned a grade of Fail (F)



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 050 2208036

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